Shabby background

March 25, 2012

week 12.

Sunday, March 18th
After being teased on a regular basis for being "very American" in the kitchen - using exact measurements, setting timers, always regulating temperatures - we now have proof of why it's necessary.  When you don't set the timer, it's very easy to get distracted and forget that the cookies are in the oven!  Sorry, volunteers, the quantity of the cookies that I made for your Monday meeting has been greatly reduced unintentionally!

Monday, March 19th
Happy birthday to our dear friend Henry, son of Michael and Cristi, our American friends here in Coimbra.  What a kind, generous, and sensitive boy he is!  We celebrated with his favorite dinner of spaghetti and meatballs, with chocolate chip cookies and gummy worms for dessert!  (Note: all the cheese in our smiles is due to the gummy worm we are sharing, which is a bit hard to see...)

Tuesday, March 20th
More American action in the kitchen... I labeled the freezer paper that these chicken breasts were wrapped in with a permanent Sharpie marker, and we learned that freezer paper is permeable!  (At least it can be an encouragement to my Portuguese professor that I'm labeling my frozen food in Portuguese!)

Wednesday, March 21st
Proof that even when it's 65 degrees during the day, Portuguese buildings are not equipped to keep out the cold at night! Here you can see some of my girlfriends at a choir rehearsal dressed in their winter coats and scarves! [Please forgive the grainy photo... it was not a very well-lit room either!]

Thursday, March 22nd
Super crazy short new haircut... still deciding if I like it, especially since it takes me way long to style it in the morning!

Friday, March 23rd
I know I just had a peacock photo in my dailies last week, but I couldn't help shooting this photo when we were at our Association's farm again yesterday and one of these beauties showed us all of her feathers!  What a brilliant display of our God's creativity!

Saturday, March 24th
Getting out of the house on this super warm day brought us to Coimbra's historic downtown (one of my favorite places to go on a Saturday morning!) for the local antiques fair that passes through once a month, but unfortunately it closed down shortly after we arrived due to some light rain showers.  Winding through the tiny little streets brought these lovely doors into view, which were a nice addition to my photo collection of European doors that I started back in 2004!

Due to simple forgetfulness, in last week's post, I neglected to include a photo of my brother for his birthday on Monday, March 12th.  After searching quite a while for a great photo of us eating hotdogs on the street in downtown Milwaukee and still not being able to find it, here's an oldie from 2008 that I don't really remember taking, which probably implies we were having too much fun!  Happy birthday, Kyle!

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