You would think that a woman who loves to write as much as I do wouldn't have any trouble with a simple "happy birthday" blog for her sweet husband... but here I am at midnight, on the third draft of this love letter of sorts, searching desperately for the right words to express my undying love. Perfectionist, I know.
I know you don't need the words, and moreover, you definitely don't need the hype, the cake, the confetti, the banner, or the dinner party... and, funny enough, that's one of the things that this "planner" loves most about you! (Though it would be fun to have a dinner party to use those nice platters your adorable self picked out this weekend!) :) You see, my love, one of the best parts about us being together is the balance that we bring to each other. Or, in the words of the famous M.C.Harritt, you're the "calm to my crazy".
I see it in your endless optimism, constantly encouraging me to see the sunnier side of things...
I see it in your attentive patience when you care for your clients, and later, when you have become not only their therapist, but their friend and big brother as well...
I see it in your quiet strength as you hold my hand when life get's overwhelming and I just need a good cry...
I see in your incredible sense of balance, being able to stand on one foot on the beach and not fall, even when someone pushes you.
I see it in your servant's heart, always wanting to do the best and be the best for me...
I see it in your quick forgiveness, making sure a grudge never sticks around long...
I see it when you are regularly singing and/or whistling, which is charming and reminds me of my dad and grandpa at the same time...
I see it in your joyful smile, always ready to say something funny when someone needs cheering up...

In all these things and easily a thousand more, I realize how true it is that we were created for each other, and how you make my life more fun, more rich, and definitely more joyful! As Tad Carpenter (a random guy that I don't know) said, "What I love most about my home is who I share it with." Isso é tão verdade, realmente!
Tu enches meus dias com sol e minhas noites com estrelas, para sempre lembrar-me como a vida realmente é maravilhosa. Não posso imaginar minha vida sem ti... Amo-te muito, minha coisinha fofa!
Thank you love! You are more beautiful than sunset when we are watching it in the beach :) Love you!